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Encoder Technology position sensing technology

Netzer's Position Sensing Technology

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Leading Progress: Netzer's Position Sensing Encoder Technology

Netzer Precision Position Sensors has evolved cutting-edge position sensing encoder technology, originally designed for demanding environments, into a versatile solution that meets the varied requirements of industries such as defense, homeland security, aerospace, and motion control instrumentation. Our range of standard and customized electric rotary encoders also serves applications in medical, automotive, and other diverse fields.

Powered by the Electric Encoder™ non-contact technology, this innovation relies on the interaction between measured displacement and space/time modulated electric fields.

Netzer’s encoder technology offers a blend of features unequaled by optical or magnetic rotary encoders.

Discover the Advantages of Electric Encoders™ 

Netzer’s encoder technology offers a wide range of benefits:

Simple, robust structure with a virtually no- failure- mechanism
Generous mounting tolerances
Low weight, inertia, and profile (=<10 mm)
Ring-shaped, hollow shaft with a wide range of diameters
Absolute single turn position output
Continuous holistic 360° position sensing
Accuracy up to 0.001° in selected models
Insensitivity to magnetic fields
No magnetic signature
Insensitivity to EMI/RFI
High customization capability
Low power consumption
Ultra-high-speed options – low latency
Wide variety of position feedback standard protocols

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