Embark on your next LEO project with the unparalleled Netzer VLS product line – the only space-proven COTS solutions engineered for excellence, with affordable prices.
Our VLS series is designed to elevate your project, featuring compact dimensions, minimal weight, and the signature Netzer hollow shaft for unmatched precision. These characteristics are not just benefits; they’re essentials for the demands of space exploration. With a legacy of transforming commercially available components and conventional encoders for the cosmos Netzer has accumulated a unique expertise through numerous successful missions. Our commitment to innovation means the VLS range meets the rigorous demands of TID (Total Ionizing Dose) and minimal outgassing – key factors for thriving in the harsh environment of space.
High Precision: < 0.006 degree
Low Power Consumption: < 100 mAmp
Space Proven Performance: TID (30 Krad) SEE (1E11 p/cm²/s protons @ 200MeV) + Low outgassing
Parylene Conformal Coating: Improved Low outgassing, reduces Tin Whiskers risk
Innovative Hollow Shaft Design
Low Profile: < 7 mm
Extreme Temperature Durability: (including temp drift compensation)
Rigorous Testing & Production: Shock, vibration, ESS and Thermal vacuum as option
Service Life: MTBF 15 years
Customizable Reporting
* Extended optional